Monday 18 February 2013

Hairrrrrr~~~~ I'm so gonna miss it!! TT.TT

Okay like seriously I hate this !!!!! :@

My poor long hair have gone already >< gonna need spent another 3 more years for my hair to be grown back to the same length (all thanks to my mom -.-)

Haicxz~ Can I go back and not cut my hair T_T damnit!!

Never mind... Posting this for fun only, just updating my blog.

Will update my new hair style soon.. Do check on it ^^! Thanks -muaxs-

BEFORE and AFTER photo t.t

Sunday 17 February 2013

DIY flower

Brought the materials yesterday at IMM popular..

Materials needed :
- Craft Paper or ribbon (any colour that you want, the more colour the nicer it will look)
- Any glass bottle or a box will do.. (to contain the roses)
- Torddy wire
- Scissor
- Tape
- (EXTRA MATERIALS,.... e.g. Stars, heart-shape, star-rose, etc.... - to be include in the bottle so that it won't look at that plain.)

Here the link of the video tutorial for this flower -->  1.) 2.)

Sample : Of the blue roses that i have done. It really simple and easy to do.. You can finish one without a few minutes, but then i spend hours to complete 30 or 40 + of the roses., and they are finally

After finishing as many roses as you wanted, you can place them on your (studies table, infront of the computer, dinner table, on top the television or for any table display, etc....)

Tuesday 12 February 2013

Chinese New Year #Day 1&2

Starting with Lunar New Year.... From morning to afternoon we didn't even go out at all only done my nails for my new year HEHE :D

and when it's around 7pm then we start to go bath and heading to Bugis. Thus there's nothing over there but there's still a lot of people crowded there for the prayers thingy. And the smoke is like hell lot. I can't even make my way out cause I couldn't open my eyes, it hurt really lot.

After headed out we when to have our supper at the opposite side of Bugis Junction shopping. The food over there are delicious but cause of my stomach pain -,- I didn't manage to eat as much as I thought I could ): that's really wasted a lot... After we finish eating that was really really late and then we want back to the carpark and my dad drift us home.....

End Of The Day....

First day #ootd of Chinese New Year :

We when to redhill temple for prayers. After the prayers we go back to boon Lay for my 'bai tai sui' and we go to JP cause its was still quite early. Then my brother suggested to watch a movie called "a good day to die hard" and I have no idea what was that movie 0.o so I actually planned to call CW come and pei me. So we when to Burger King at the basement to have out supper before our show started.. We have about 1 hour time to slack awhile. So I call CW come and I thought that we could change the ticket to watch "journey to the west" instead but that was totally impossible (of course) but tio nagging after asking -.- haix~
So I still have to go in and CW he waited for his mother to come and watch with him at 1am.. But not sure what movie is he watching?....
After my movie end he was still waiting for the time to fly. But I have to go home already ): so that's the end of #day1

End of Day 1

Second day #ootd of Chinese New Year :

When to my grandma house to collect my angbao, and after collecting from almost everyone I when to jurong point to watch movie but too bad it was full so couldn't watch it =\ so I slack there for 1 hour until 7pm but I took another 30 more minutes instead ^^ most of the time we are at the Häagen Dazs with CW and his so called "mummy" who's working there.. And Jeremy texted me say that he was down stairs outside the Wendy's puffing, so we when down cause CW wanted to puff too. And then Roselin came too.. But even though we go down to find Jeremy but then we didn't take either :x haha just when there to say 'hi' and say 'bye' before we left. And then we go back to Häagen Dazs for CW seek and when to the bus interchange when it's 7.32pm already. And CW is late too :o so we rushed there. But before you leave he say he want puff first -.- like seriously ?! 0.o late still can puff first de wor.... HAHA =D so after that I when back to my grandma house and I have no idea where Roselin go....
-Reached back to my grandma house- awhile later we have out "Lau Yu Shen" then we ended everything and send my cousin and her mother home afterwards we when home too.... Was so late when we are homed! So that's the end of #day2

For this 3 days we didn't have much sleep and my panda eyes is coming out already x.x tired tired tired !!!!!! I'm so sleepy~><

Lau Yu Seng time xD


End Of Day 2

And for Day 3 we just stay home and sleep early incase tomorrow we couldn't wake up on time. Actually wanted to go to Sarah house for the third day of new year, but then my mother don't allow ): was planned to go there and slack and play and gamble too for awhile before we end the day de :(( but think I couldn't make it t.t

After all my angbao still very little. I use to have $200 or plus?... But now I only have $100+ )): cause of my father side grandmother have already passed away and then now I don't have any angbao for the day1 of new year TT__TT


Saturday 2 February 2013

Chinese New Year ~

Hurray!! Chinese New Year is coming up in (count down, 8 days time) gonna prepare everything for it !!

Bought my new year cloths !! ^.^ can't wait to wear them on =D and also can't wait to receive my red packet from all my auntie and uncle and of course from my grandma (:

Kinda miss my grandpa toooo )': I don't even manage to see him once :\ never get any red packet from him also t.t don't know how he look like either. Doesn't have his picture at all ;_; how I wonder how he is now.. Miss him!!~ I'm so jealous to see that some of my friends was leaving with their grandparent.. I didn't even have the chance before.
To those who grandparent are with you, do treasure them! Don't regret when they are gone one fine day :x

Okay, okay.... Shall not talk about grandparent when it's Chinese New Year time (: we should stay young and be healthy! Study hard in school and 快高长大!(grow up fast?)

恭喜发财!Happy New Year !

Do enjoy your New Year time ~

Here's my new year cloths :3

Finally founded this dressssssss~ was searching fr this type of dress and is my taste, and here i got it in final !!!!! Founded this dress at Orchard - Far East Plaza. The one and only last one of my size.. The perfect fitting for my Chinese New Year clothing ^^

 And founded this short at last for walking here and there, all over bugis street up and down and up again.... Its look really nice and pretty and it only cost $10, it totally worth buying it ! And it matches the dress too!
 This is actually not what that i have planned to buy, was searching for others clothing and saw this skirt so nice and bought it down too HAHA :D

And this 2 are the matches that i'm gonna wear for my NEW YEAR time!!!!!!!