Tuesday 11 December 2012

What I want for my Christmas?

Christmas? Hmmm... I don't really celebrate that actually? I guess in my 14 years of my life I only celebrate then once which is last year 2011. I celebrated that with my bf (Nicholas) on the Christmas Eve @ WestMall ^€^ was kinda excited cause it's my first Christmas Day going out with someone I love and celebrating it together

But this year? I'm not sure. I guess I'm just gonna spend the Christmas time alone... I wanted to celebrate it with ken but we since to break up and there's no way for patch, I guess.. So I think this year there nothing about Christmas for me.
Kinda regret I think? Guess we should have break. And I'm kinda gone too far. My breaking up matter are too hurting. Is too much! I shouldn't have ignore anything.
Now it's just too late to turn back. Nothing change :( guess I'm gonna need to continue on ... ...

Okay so mainly people want Christmas present for sure. Especially kids ^^
I use to call my parent to buy dolls for me when I was young. But of course now I don't want dolls xD instead of present that I can buy from any places, I want things that I can't buy it from...

First, I want you to be celebrating it with.. But don't think it's possible. (So lets skip it.)

[> And just pretend if I have a bf <]

Second, I want a sweetest kiss.
Third, I want hugs that never let go.
Forth, Going out watching movie together.

And the final ones ..

I guess it not too much to ask for right ? This are just a simple present for me as Christmas.. Instead of buying stuff for me. This things you can never buy in any places nor shops. It's a “ Not for SALE ! ” item to buy..

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